Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Meaning of the Season

The members of South Fraser OnTrax is taking an extended "pause" as we enter this Christmas and New Year season. There will still be posts and information found here frequently. But we must take time out of our busy schedules to recognize Township of Langley Councillor Charlie Fox. Councillor Fox is a VERY strong supporter of light rail transit in the south Fraser and is very vocal about his LRT views in council. We very much appreciate his advocacy and support.

Cllr. Charlie Fox is one heck of a guy and I greatly enjoy his wisdom, spirit, determination and friendship. But during this holiday season Charlie, his wife Diane and their family will need your prayers, encouragement and thoughts. This past week Councillor Charlie Fox received word that his kidney transplant will take place on January 7, 2009.

Charlie's wonderful wife Diane is the donor and as Charlie jokes, "We are a match in more ways than one." While this transplant schedule is great news for the councillor's overall health, we must keep them in our thoughts and prayers that the transplant goes very well and there are no complications. We wish Charlie and Diane a speedy recovery and we look forward to reporting some great news shortly after January 7th. Thank you Councillor Fox for enriching our lives as residents of the Township.

Let us all remember the meaning of this season.

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