Wednesday, November 12, 2008

SFOT Meeting Tomorrow

Thursday, November 13th
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Township of Langley Municipal Facility
4th Floor, Nicomekl River Meeting Room
20338 - 65 Avenue, Langley

This is our year in review and planning 2009 meeting. Be sure to
attend and have your say for our 2009 meeting schedule, fundraising
and project ideas. Download a copy of the agenda.


6:45pm - 7:00pm Self-Registration /Greeting

7:00pm - 7:10pm Group introductions
-Place of Residence

7:10pm - 7:25pm Reports
-Financial Report
-State of Advertising / Promotion

7:25pm - 7:45pm Recap of past speakers and main points

7:45pm - 8:00pm Comments on past speakers and information presented

8:00pm - 8:30pm Ideas - What to do in 2009 - Fundraising and Projects

8:30pm - 9:00pm Blog & Website
Help Needed
New Business
December Eggnog - Spouses/Guests

Meeting Adjourned

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