Friday, November 21, 2008

Sewer Lines

As you might already know, I sit on the Park, Environment, Culture, and Recreation committee at the City of Langley. Anyway last night at the meeting, Metro Vancouver was telling us that they are upgrading the main sewer trunk (west/east) through the City. What does this have to do with Smart Growth? Well, part of the Downtown Langley plan is to increase density in the core. This will require an upgrade to all sorts of infrastructure from electrical to sewer. This Metro Vancouver upgrade will allow for higher densities in the core. The sewer trunk also has an important benefit for the Township of Langley and the City of Abbotsford.

Aldergrove’s sewer is currently routed into the Abbotsford system. Due to all the growth in Abbotsford, the City requested that the Township get off their system to free up capacity. The upgrade of the sewer trunk will allow for Aldergrove’s sewer to be routed to the Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Of course the Township also has some work to do on their end; I believe it is one of their major projects.)

Also, Metro Vancouver will be contributing labour and/or funds to do some park improvements at the Nicomekl Park as the sewer line will be going along the edge of the flood plan.

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