Tuesday, October 7, 2008

UPDATE: Rather be Taking Rail - Video

The following video submission was sent to us from Township of Langley Councillor Jordan Bateman and Councillor Charlie Fox in support of the “I’d Rather be Taking Rail” campaign. Remember this is open to anyone. If you want submit a video, and you don’t have a Flickr Pro account send a link to your submission to info@sfot.info.



  1. The audio doesn't seem to match the video... it's like watching a dubbed Godzilla movie!

  2. You're right, I can't seem to get the audio to sync to the video. I got some strange error about the AVI index file being corrupt... grr...

  3. Tell you what--delete this post and video, and I'll get Charlie and I to do a lower-res WMP one on Monday.

  4. I'll bring my Mac to council next Monday and we can get the job done right :)


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