Monday, October 27, 2008

In the News

Here are some stories of interest that appeared in the local papers last week. First of is a story in the Langley Advance about a mixed-use/auto mall on the corner of Glover and Highway 10. The second story, also form the Advance, is a follow-up about our All-Candidates forum that was held last Tuesday.
The second question was all about transportation, and where the funding would come from.

Coun. Mel Kositsky said he wants to get more cash from Ottawa, noting that the GST on gas purchases is a "rip off" and that the money raised is not shared or used for transportation.

Scrapping plans to bring SkyTrain to Langley would be a good start, said Coun. Jordan Bateman. He wants to see the same amount of money poured into a much longer light rail line that would run along the ground. Compared to rapid bus service, the costs of light rail aren't too high, he said.

Coun. Kim Richter said after twinning the Port Mann, better bus access to Aldergrove is her top priority. She also warned against the high cost of a light rail line.
The Langley Times also had an article about the forum.

Finally, there was a letter to the editor about getting light rail by Nathan Moes
While my 30-year-old self will be pleased to ride a rapid articulated bus to Surrey in 10 years, he will still be wasting half his day whenever he decides to visit Abbotsford. (Or perhaps by that time I will join hundreds of thousands of commuters clogging up our new bridges and highways in our guilt-free, non-polluting vehicles, because even after pollution, congestion will remain.)…

The solution is rail.

There are complications, though none that couldn't be resolved with serious consideration and $14 billion.

Ten more years on top of the decades spent without a car alternative is unacceptable.
Of course restoring the Interurban is an order of magnitude less than the 14 billion dollar SkyTrain plan.

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