Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sustainability by Design

Back in 2006, the region came together at an event called Sustainability by Design that took place during the World Urban Forum. Anyway, the following presentation was passed onto me by Jason Chu at the Township of Langley. This presentation, by Patrick Condon from UBC, shows the principles of sustainability and applied them to the Township of Langley’s 200th Street corridor. I was actually at the original 2006 presentation, and commented on how it was everything that I hoped and dreamed for on 200th Street. At that time, gas stations and strip malls where popping up along the corridor and I asked how they where to achieve this vision of a mixed-use 200th Street. I think one of the planners smirked and said that it was looonngg term. I was disappointed back then, but now I am extremely encouraged about this corridor. With the Township of Langley’s new sustainability charter, new “high-rise” mixed-use building opportunities recently allowed by Township council, and the recent decision to turn down a non-mixed-use development along the corridor; the Township has come a long way to achieve this vision set forth in 2006. While there is much work to be done, I applaud both Council and Staff at the Township for now taking sustainability and Smart Growth principles seriously.

200th Street Nodes
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