Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Carrall Street Greenway

If you read this blog regularly, you know that I’m a big fan of complete roads. You can read more about the concept of complete roads on a previous post that I wrote. Anyway, I now happen to be working next to a complete road. The City of Vancouver is currently constructing the Carrall Street Greenway that runs North/South from Gastown to Chinatown. You can check out the City of Vancouver website for more information on the project. The following diagram from the City’s website shows the transformation of this road from auto-oriented to people-oriented. It should be noted the right-of-way for cycling and walking is greater than the right-of-way for driving. Imagine this kind of roadway in Surrey or Langley.



Anyway, I decided to take a few pictures of the road for your view pleasure. Enjoy!

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