Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday News

I started writing an article for the blog this morning and after four hours of research and cross-checking, I decided that SFOT would need to interview a news source before the post was ready for prime time. Its interesting and is something that is big for our region. Stay tuned.

Friday's Langley Advance provided a couple of interesting articles that should get us thinking...

The first is about a 15 year old cyclist that was struck by a truck while riding on Douglas Crescent and crossing 204th Street. The RCMP pointed out that the boy was not wearing a helmet and was trying to cross against a red light. We have written about the need for complete roads many times, but even a complete roadway is not going to prevent someone crossing against a red light from serious injury. Bicycle safety helmets are required by provincial law in BC. Its very unfortunate that this young man didn't have a helmet on when he was thrown to the pavement. We hope he will recover soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with this boy and his family.

The other article that caught my attention was the Incredible Edibles sustainability tour. I think its GREAT that we are promoting local farms and local products that don't require long-distance freight and truck hauling, and all the energy and resources that go with it. I'm learning myself that the 100 mile diet is the very best for our communities and for our health.

I find myself search out the local wealth of good stuff that is available to us if we just look for it. I buy BC over California. There's just something about fresh fruit and vegetables from local farms, and when these things are in season, its a special treat. Eating this way gives you a variety of foods and not something you have week in and week out 365 days per year. A big thanks to our local Langley and BC farmers who work very hard for our benefit! So search out that local farmer's market or if you are traveling through Chilliwack, stop and pick up some of that good corn. Of course if you find yourself in the Okanagan I will envy you as you have your fill of some of the best fruit around. Here's a harvest calendar for your enjoyment.

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