Thursday, August 14, 2008

Meeting Tonight - The Transportation Planning Process

7:00pm – 9:00pm
Township of Langley Municipal Facility
4th Floor, Nicomekl River Meeting Room
20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley

Download a Copy of our Agenda


6:45pm - 7:00pm Self-Registration /Greeting (NP)

7:00pm - 7:10pm Group introductions (all)
-Place of Residence

7:10pm - 7:25pm Reports
-Financial Report (JZ)
-Township Roundtable & LRT Expert Update (JZ)
-Help Needed – Workers (NP)
-Society Status (NP)
-Advertising Budget - $83.90 per month (JZ)

7:25pm - 7:30pm “The Transportation Planning Process”
- Introduction of Paul Cordeiro, M.Sc., P.Eng., TOL & Disclaimer (JZ)

7:30pm - 8:30pm “The Transportation Planning Process” (Paul Cordeiro)

8:30pm - 8:45pm Group question provided to Mr. Cordeiro in advance of the meeting (NP & PC):

In your personal and professional opinion, what would you consider to be the ideal transportation system and what would that look like in the Township of Langley? This is given current and future projections of population, density, etc., as well as if money and politics were not issues.

Q & A / Feedback (participants)

8:45pm - 8:50pm Closing Items (NP)
-Help Needed Workers
-Sponsors Needed
-Keep watching the Blog and send people to it and the website!

September Meeting – To Be Announced

Meeting Adjourned

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