Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cities Across USA Recognize Investment Potential of Streetcars

Streetcars are moving people efficiently and causing HUGE economic development across America. The Mariettta Register newspaper in Georgia reports on this massive surge in new streetcar systems.

"But 50 years later, with national, state, and local transportation policies still running by and large on autopilot (read: oil, cars, roads, airports), and many Americans struggling to afford the formerly cheap and abundant fuel needed to power their commutes, as many as 60-70 cities in the U.S. are today in some phase of considering, planning, developing, operating, or extending electric streetcar projects – largely on their own and in spite of a pittance of state or federal funding for such projects."

Even if Langley Township approved streetcars tomorrow, we would be standing behind many cities waiting for our cars to be produced. This is why rail expert Brent Graham suggested we create a economic development zone of sorts and invite streetcar manufacturers to set up shop here as a Centre of Excellence. Time to get on board folks!

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