Tuesday, July 15, 2008

TransLink to Take Care of New West Rail Bridge

Federal Transportation Minister Lawrence Cannon wrote to Mayor Kurt Alberts after Township Council wrote to him and MP Mark Warawa regarding the New Westminster Rail Bridge.

"I am aware of the issue identified in your letter related to the Fraser River Rail Bridge. I also understand that TransLink is undertaking a Pattulo Bridge Corridor Study to develop a long-term replacement and/or rehabilitation strategy for the existing bridge. Among the strategies that will be examined is a proposal to combine the Pattulo Bridge and the Fraser Rail Bridge into a single structure. Allow me to assure you that Transport Canada officials will monitor the study's progress and keep you informed of new developments."

- The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, P.C., M.P.

So, an intermodal bridge may be the end result and Metro Vancouver would finally realize a modern bridge that is similar to other inter-modal bridges around the world, but nothing like this. We hope TransLink's financial troubles won't cause this bridge program to be delayed.

While SFOT does not wish to entangle itself in the Gateway debate, we would like to point out that the replacement of the New Westminster Rail Bridge and the Pattulo Bridge, were the top two infrastructure projects needed for the wider Gateway initiative to be fully successful.

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