Friday, July 11, 2008


South Fraser OnTrax was formed to provide a sounding board for discussions centred around quality, sustainable development and transportation. Last night's meeting at Langley Township Hall was no exception. Township of Langley Mayor Kurt Alberts provided an excellent presentation about the history of Translink, some very good insight into funding, and what is shaping up to be a huge funding dilemma for Translink. Here is the full presentation.

The .mac site was down as I write this in the wee hours of Friday morning, so I will upload the complete audio file once .mac is back up and running, hopefully today. As usual, the full meeting audio file will be posted unedited.

There were some other special guests at last night's meeting as well. Besides Mayor Kurt Alberts and Councillor Grant Ward, Mr. Henry Ewert joined us for the meeting. Mr. Ewert is our region's foremost authority on the history of the old B.C. Electric Railway and the Interurban. He had some very interesting observations and insights. The man is a legend and has authored at least four books.

I'd like to also acknowledge our fellow blogger Bob Richter who joined us for the evening. Bob is the husband of Langley Township Councillor Kim Richter. We were honoured to have Bob Richter join us.

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