Friday, July 25, 2008

Getting a Charge Next Monday

As previously reported, Township Councillor Kim Richter filed a Notice of Motion that will be voted on in the upcoming July 28th Regular Council Meeting. South Fraser OnTrax goes on record as supporting this green initiative and we look forward to it receiving a favourable response from council. We hope to see more of these green initiatives that will help us and future generations. Thanks to Councillor Richter for the full text.

"Whereas increasing oil and gas prices are leading to changes in consumer behaviour and preferences; and

Whereas electric cars are more sustainable and will become more prevalent;

Therefore, be it resolved that the Township of Langley require the provision of electrical outlets for cars in all future developments particularly multi-family developments, similar to the City of Vancouver's new building requirements in this regard."

-- Councillor Kim Richter, Township of Langley

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