Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Breaking News - Township Transit Round-Table Called Off

Back in May of this year we reported on the transit round-table meeting that was to take place between Township of Langley Mayor, Council, VALTAC and South Fraser OnTrax. VALTAC had requested the forum, and South Fraser OnTrax requested our inclusion. A Motion was put forth by Councillor Kim Richter calling for this gathering, and it was approved by Council. The Langley Times reported about this round-table here. I could not find any Langley Advance article. Perhaps it is in their late archives.

Beginning in early May, several dates had been discussed. Then in late June, a July 22nd meeting date seemed to be firming up. But at yesterday's Special Township Council meeting, Mayor Kurt Alberts reported to Council and the public that the Transit Round-Table would be canceled indefinitely. The mayor reported that VALTAC opined that because two members of Township Council will be absent on July 22nd, and further the attendance of both MLA's and the MP could not be guaranteed, that the round-table be canceled.

We are sorry to hear that this Transit Round-Table has been canceled as the planning of it has consumed both Township council and staff's time. Also, South Fraser OnTrax had been working hard for several months arranging for a special guest to fly in for the meeting.

Nevertheless, South Fraser OnTrax will now be organizing another opportunity for our overseas expert to address our civic leaders for an important discussion related to Light Rail Transit. Our guest is confirmed to arrive in Langley shortly. Stay tuned for the special announcement.

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