Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Workshop Fever Brewing

People are getting excited about tomorrow night's workshop on Sustainable Community Design and Sustainable Transportation Options. One of those excited persons to get creative is Township of Langley Councillor Jordan Bateman! He produced this great looking poster to use at the workshop. Jordan is an event sponsor, along with the City of Surrey and Corporate Protective Solutions. Check out this slick poster!

You may have seen The Province newspaper article last week regarding Jordan's streetcar idea. We at South Fraser OnTrax fully support the streetcar plan as part of an overall system strategy to build the Interurban , and then have other transit options which will feed Interurban ridership and further growth. Every time I drive along a Langley road in the City and Township, I see another potential streetcar loop. I hope that we can be like the City of Portland one day soon!

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