Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Streetcar Night - What a Night

The meeting room was filled to capacity last night as Township Councillors Grant Ward and Jordan Bateman joined an excited group of transportation advocates for a lively and informative discussion about current and future growth, densification of the 200th Street transit corridor and of course, streetcars!

Councillor Bateman told the story with maps and charts, of a Langley that is quickly approaching us. He presented the streetcar concept and how that could work for us. Then Councillor Grant Ward spoke about things to come and presented some very interesting facts and figures about the various communities and a bit of history that is setting the stage for a new Langley today. You can catch all the details by downloading the audio file of the whole meeting below.

We also received confirmation last night that Township Mayor Kurt Alberts will be our guest speaker for the July 10, 2008 meeting. Mayor Alberts was formerly part of the Senior Township staff in the planning department, and is outstanding in working with other orders of governments and agencies to get things on track.

But please don't forget the June 18, 2008 workshop and brainstorming event at Kwantlen University in Langley! Sponsored by: City of Surrey, Councillor Jordan Bateman, and Corporate Protective Solutions. SmartGrowth BC will be presenting with SFOT as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for having me--I had a great time!


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