Friday, June 20, 2008

Langley Advance Coverage of Workshop

The Langley Advance wrote an article about the workshop we hosted on Wednesday night.
The area is rapidly becoming a dense and narrow strip where about 80 per cent of Langley residents will occupy 20 per cent of the community's land.

"That's like preaching to the choir in that group," Bateman said.

He liked the mix of people who came out, which included both those over 50 and those under 30.

"I think that's a good mix of experience and ideas," Bateman said.

OnTrax organizers Nathan Pachal and Joe Zaccaria gathered all the ideas from the groups and had graphic recorder Avril Orloff turn them into large posters as the meeting progressed.

Some notes of clarification when reading: Jordan Bateman gave his presentation about the 200th St. Streetcar at our June 10th meeting, and in total there where 20 people at the event. Either way it was a great article. Read the whole thing at the Langley Advance's website.

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