Sunday, May 18, 2008

Township Mayor and Council to Meet with Two Rail Groups

Today's Langley Times reports on a meeting regarding light rail transit (LRT) that will take place.

1 comment:

  1. VALTAC has been overtaken with the 'move the rails' group and the 'interurban' group, and light rail has been a 'poor third'.

    The 'interurban' or vintage trolley group seems to have the upper hand and now a problem occurs.

    If the 'vintage trolley' gets the track, there is a serious potential that 'light rail' won't.

    The government will say, "Now you have your LRT (to them LRT and vintage trolley are one and the same) NOW PLAY WITH IT!" This bodes ill for real 'light rail' and maybe a way for TransLink and the Provincial government to thwart real 'light rail' operating in the valley.


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