Saturday, May 3, 2008

Top Reads On This Blog

The South Fraser OnTrax Blog is being well-read with daily readership numbers soaring since it was first launched on April 7, 2008. Of several thousand page views, these were the most popular:

# 1 Councillor Bateman Presents 200th Street

# 2 South Fraser Community Rail in 2012

# 3 South Fraser Gets News Rubbers

# 4 Best Way to Langley

Note that until this week, the SF Community Rail in 2012 was #1. I guess this 200th Street streetcar idea has captured reader interest. Views of the presentation are also healthy!


Councillor Bateman's Notice of Motion will be voted on between 4pm-4:30pm. We encourage all of our supports to be there in the Township Council chambers with us if you can.


The South Fraser OnTrax (SFOT) inaugural meeting is coming up this Thursday, May 8th at the Township Civic Facility. Please sign up for our mailing list here if you plan to attend (not mandatory, but a good idea). The meeting is scheduled for 7:00pm - 9:00pm, but our goal is to end a little early, unless the attendees have questions. We can always mix and mingle at the conclusion of the agenda!


Things are coming together for an excellent workshop program! If you have previously participated in the Township's Sustainable Community Planning sessions or wish you had, you will not want to miss this one! Best of all, our program will only take two hours of your Saturday morning, and then you can enjoy the great outdoors! As with our meetings and all events, we promise to respect your time. We will be ON Trax and ON time.

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