Thursday, May 29, 2008

Morning Walk

Every day on the walk from my apartment (or in Vancouver parlance, condo) to my bus stop, I pass by many other condos and the huge parking lot of Langley Mall.

This parking lot sticks out like a sore thumb as mixed-use buildings, condos, city hall, and “Main Street” commercial surround it. It really highlights the waste of space that surface parking is. Also, the lot always seems empty.

This is another example of space in the City of Langley that could be transformed into something mixed-use and truly sustainable.

From the Downtown Master Plan:
Underutilized Land Areas – The accompanying Building Coverage diagram below illustrates the underutilized nature of some of the lands outside the Downtown area. Much of this land is consumed by parking or by large industrial users. In some cases, these land parcels are grossly underutilized considering their proximity to Downtown and could serve more appropriate and highly desirable uses as residential and/or commercial. In some cases, more structured parking could retain convenient access and the number of parking spaces while introducing more compact mixed uses in the downtown core area.

City Hall, Timms Community Center, condos, and my bus stop around Langley Mall.

Looking at what the Downtown Langley Master Plan calls the "Core Area."

Remember, all big buses go to Surrey Central!

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