Thursday, May 15, 2008

Green Buildings and Renovations Made Easy

Over at my live/work office suite I have some great neighbours, and a young couple, Jesse and Melissa Roberts two awesome examples. Melissa is an interior designer, and we got talking about sustainability the other night in anticipation of tonight's Township of Langley Sustainability Cafe that we plan to attend.

Melissa followed up with me by sending me a very cool website link that we have added to our SFOT website's resource section. The Light House Sustainability Centre is a non-profit group that will do everything from educating us on sustainable building materials, to managing a sustainable home project!

The website is full of some exceptional information, including a sourcing guide for products. Want to green your home? Buy this kit. Need some new tile for your kitchen back splash or shower? How about some recycled glass tiles? Or perhaps some rubber flooring for your garage?

Light House holds Green Building 101 workshops for home owners and Strata Corporations. I hope to visit the centre soon, and also attend one of these workshops in the near future. I sure wish I had seen this website before I had major renovations done to my Walnut Grove home. Thanks Mel and we'll see you guys tonight at the cafe!

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