Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Where the Interurban Goes

Maps are always fun to look at (well, at least I find them fun to look at.) I received a slide from the Ministry of Transportation. This slide show high projected growth areas. The interurban goes through a majority of the high growth areas, and also many current built-up areas. I decided to add some things to the map…

Legend for the Map
  • Solid Red Line is the Interurban Line
  • Dotted-Red Line is a possible future alignment of the Interurban Line
  • Circles are the growth areas the Interurban Line goes through
  • Squares are the current built-up areas the Interurban Line goes through
  • Arrows are areas that should be connected to the Interurban Line and other rapid transit lines via Streetcar, BRT, of frequent bus.

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