Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Fastest Way to Vancouver via Interurban

According the Translink, it takes 32 minutes to get from Scott Road Station to Waterfront Station on the SkyTrain

According to Translink's Study of the Interurban Line, it would take 42 minutes to get from Langley Centre to Scott Road SkyTrain Station.

Allowing for transfer time, it would take about 1h20m to get to downtown on public transit.

According to Google Maps, it would take about 52 minutes to get from Langley Centre to Waterfront Station by driving. Of course from personal experience and from the experience of people in my office, it takes 1h30m+ during rush hour to drive from between Vancouver and Langley.

During rush hour the Interurban/SkyTrain would be faster than driving
During off-peak driving would only be 1.4x faster than Interurban/SkyTrain

How's that for a line that would be meant to primarily service 80% of trips that stay within the Valley?

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